Oh those last days! Teachers take this opportunity to finish semester finals and hopefully leave a little time to celebrate the semester with their students with activities and labs.

Chemistry class finishes the year with a 'bang' as Mrs. Gibson traditionally demonstrates the combustion of different gasses they also create 'mole' projects in reference to studies of the size of a mole (it's a really big number!). AP Statistics uses the last day with Guitar Hero, collecting data for hypothesis testing for statistical differences between genders among other variables. Mrs. Beguin's English class had students create semester tests with answer keys for peer review. Welding class enjoy's a barbeque on the newly made grill they've worked on this semester. Of course, there are several that end the semester in a more traditional way .... with the semester final exam!
I want to thank all of the students and staff of Chadron High School for a wonderful school year!