- Did you have a positive learning experience at Chadron High School?
- Yes - 100%
- No - 0%
- Same as last year
- Was the counseling department helpful and supportive meeting your needs?
- Yes - 100%
- No - 0%
- About same as last year
- Did your teacher encourage you to continue your education?
- Yes - 100%
- No - 0%
- Same as last year
- Were enough elective classes offered for you to explore different career opportunities?
- Yes - 77.97%
- No - 22.03%
- Slightly down from last year
- Do you think you will be able to easily find a job that can support you?
- Yes - 91.53%
- No - 8.47%
- About same as last year
- Did you ever experience significant harassment from other students?
- Yes - 18.6%
- No - 81.4%
- Same as last year
- Chadron High School provided a safe learning environment?
- Excellent - 76.27% 30% higher than last year
- Good - 20.34%
- Average - 3.39%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- Chadron High School maintained a drug-free environment?
- Excellent - 33.9% 8% higher than last year
- Good - 37.29%
- Average - 16.95%
- Below Average - 5.08%
- Needs Improvement - 6.78%
- Chadron High School provided a strong foundation in the use of technology?
- Excellent - 79.66% 10% higher than last year
- Good - 16.95%
- Average - 3.39%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- No Response - 0%
- Teachers generally held high standards and demanded quality work?
- Excellent - 66.1% 7% higher than last year
- Good - 32.2%
- Average - 1.69%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- My teachers were knowledgeable about the curriculum being taught?
- Excellent - 71.19% 7% higher than last year
- Good - 27.12%
- Average - 1.69%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- I was challenged to experience academic growth each year?
- Excellent - 71.19% 12% higher than last year
- Good - 18.64%
- Average - 8.47%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 1.69%
- Rules were enforced consistently and fairly?
- Excellent - 40.68%
- Good - 30.51%
- Average - 16.95%
- Below Average - 6.78%
- Needs Improvement - 3.39
- Mp Response - 1.69%
- Similar to past years
- What area(s) do you plan to pursue immediately after high school? (mark all that apply)
- 4 Year College - 61.02% 8% lower than last year
- 2 Year College - 30.51% 13% higher
- Voc/Tech School - 6.78% slightly higher
- Work Full Time - 3.39% same
- Work Part Time - 5.08% same
- Military - 8.47% higher
- Other - 0%
- Overall, how would you rate Chadron High School as a learning environment?
- Excellent - 67.8%
- Good - 28.81%
- Average - 3.39%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- Similar to past years