There are two requirements before a student can take or have medication at school:
- The parent/guardian must provide a signed consent form for the student to be given medication at school.
- Medications must be provided to the school by the parent/guardian.
So, with a signed consent form, parents can bring small amounts of ibuprofen or tylenol which will be stored in the student's name and provided when needed.
Here's the actual policy regarding this issue:
Guidelines for Administering Medication
Whenever possible your child should be provided medications by you outside of school hours. In the event it is necessary that the child take or have medication available at school, the parents/guardians must provide a signed written consent for the child to be given medication at school. A consent form is available at the school health office and on the district website. Medications must be provided to the school by the parent/guardian in the pharmacy-labeled or manufacturer-labeled bottle. Repackaged medications will not be accepted. All medications also require a physician's authorization to be given at school. The school nurse may limit medications to those set forth in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR). Please limit the amount of medication provided to the school to a two-week supply.