At the end of each school year, Chadron High School contracts with LifeTrack Services, Inc. to conduct a confidential, non-biased senior exit survey. We just received the results for the graduating class of 2017. 57 seniors responded to the survey this year. I've included my notes in comparing these results to last year.

- Did you have a positive learning experience at Chadron High School?
- Yes - 100% Same as last year
- No - 0%
- Was the counseling department helpful and supportive meeting your needs?
- Yes - 100% Higher than last year
- No - 0%
- Did your teacher encourage you to continue your education?
- Yes - 100% Higher than last year
- No - 0%
- Were enough elective classes offered for you to explore different career opportunities?
- Yes - 82% Same as last year
- No - 18%
- Do you think you will be able to easily find a job that can support you?
- Yes - 91% Slightly lower than last year
- No - 9%
- Did you ever experience significant harassment from other students?
- Yes - 5% Significantly lower than last year
- No - 95%
- Chadron High School provided a safe learning environment?
- Excellent - 86% Higher than last year
- Good - 12%
- Average - 2%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- Chadron High School maintained a drug-free environment?
- Excellent - 32% Higher than last year
- Good - 35% Higher than last year
- Average - 25%
- Below Average - 5%
- Needs Improvement - 4% Significantly lower than last year
- Chadron High School provided a strong foundation in the use of technology?
- Excellent - 70% About the same as last year
- Good - 26%
- Average - 4%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- No Response - 0%
- Teachers generally held high standards and demanded quality work?
- Excellent - 83% Significantly higher than last year
- Good - 16%
- Average - 1%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- My teachers were knowledgeable about the curriculum being taught?
- Excellent - 83% Higher than last year
- Good - 17%
- Average - 0%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- I was challenged to experience academic growth each year?
- Excellent - 84% Higher than last year
- Good - 12%
- Average - 4%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%
- No Response - 0%
- Rules were enforced consistently and fairly?
- Excellent - 63% Higher than last year
- Good - 28%
- Average - 7%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 2%
- What area(s) do you plan to pursue immediately after high school? (mark all that apply)
- 4 Year College - 77% Higher than last year
- 2 Year College - 11% same
- Voc./Tech School - 2% lower
- Work Full Time - 9% lower
- Work Part Time - 4% same
- Military - 4% lower
- Other - 0%
- No Response - 0%
- Overall, how would you rate Chadron High School as a learning environment?
- Excellent - 89% Significantly higher than last year
- Good - 7% Lower than last year
- Average - 4%
- Below Average - 0%
- Needs Improvement - 0%