Friday, December 20, 2024

Students Complete Microsoft Associate Certification

Congratulations to these students for earning a MOS Associate Certificate by passing the

certification tests for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

A group of people standing in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of young people standing in a room

Description automatically generated

Sean Card, Jeremy Swallow, Shanna Gunwall, Jayce Hoffman, Emmerson Landreth, Jadyn Raben, Raylie Pourier, Caleb Smith, Trinity Scherbarth, Kailie Geschwell, Gracie Calkins, Elaina Strong, Nick King Jr. Not Pictured Reid Griese, Bricen Wright.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Mr. Mack Named Nebraska Principal Of The Year!

Chadron High Principal, Jerry Mack was named the 2025-26 Nebraska High School Principal of the Year!

The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals select one principal annually to a Principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and state level. The award honors principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of personal excellence, collaboration, leadership, curriculum, instruction, assessment, and personalization.

Mr. Mack was awarded and recognized in December at the annual Principals Conference in Lincoln.

Monday, November 11, 2024

FAFSA Appointments Are Now Open!

Appointments are now open!  You must call the number on the flyer to reserve your FAFSA appointment.  These are optional but a reminder the FAFSA is a graduation requirement this year and strongly emphasized by colleges. 

We will help your senior make an FSA ID - you as a parent will also have to make an FSA ID before this meeting.  Please come to your appointments with all required items.  Andrew is really fantastic and your appointment will be private and confidential! 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Chadron Public Schools Recognized for School Safety Efforts

Chadron Public Schools received notice this week that it has been recognized with a Diamond Badge Certification in Nebraska School Safety and Security.  This is the highest level of recognition for schools meeting the Nebraska Department of Education's safety and security standards in keeping a school community safe and secure.

(NDE Informational News Release)

August 9, 2024

Nebraska School Districts “Place School Safety First”

Schools and Districts are putting in the hard work to “place school safety first” and are now being recognized for their efforts to meet requirements, trainings, drills, and best practices in school safety and security with the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Badge Certification. NDE has established a badge system to recognize schools that go above and beyond to provide a safe environment for our students, staff, and visitors.

The badge identifies and recognizes Nebraska public and non-public school districts meeting the highest standards of safety and security. Schools can earn Diamond, Gold, or Silver badges, highlighting their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors.

Effective learning can only take place in a safe environment, and this certification reassures communities that their schools are actively fulfilling the four pillars of safety: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Diamond certification means a district is meeting the highest standards in school safety and security, with gold being the next level, and then silver. By earning these badges, schools demonstrate their dedication to “Place School Safety”.

School districts have built safety and threat assessment teams, and are required to have an emergency operations plan, develop safety & security policies, complete safety drills, conduct suicide and other safety trainings, as well as having digital, substance use, dating violence, and countless other safety best practices to keep school communities and the members free from harms way.

The Badge Certification was announced at the Administration Days Conference in July and several rural and urban school districts have already completed the checklist and are receiving their badges. The districts will display the badges on their building entry ways, websites, and social media platforms to demonstrate and let communities know they will always “Place School Safety First”!

David Jespersen
Public Information Officer, Nebraska Department of Education

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Chadron High Wins Scholastic Contest

Congratulations to our students for winning the Division II Team Champion at the CSC Scholastic Contest on October 9th.

Top 5 Individual Results:

1st Owen Wess - Agronomy and Range Management

1st Billy Hy - Business Mathematics

1st Chloe Wright - Human Development & Family Life

1st Wylee West - Wildlife Ecology & Management

2nd Josie Werner - Algebra I

2nd Sarah Johndreau - Algebra II

2nd James Koerber - Business Mathematics

2nd Aiden Vinton - Consumer Issues

2nd Jose Obando - General Biology

2nd Chelsey Stephens - Music

3rd Jodean Chesley - Flash Fiction

3rd Eliana Uhing - Literary Analysis

4th Jaedyn Peterson - Business Information Systems

4th Thomas Smith - Consumer Issues

4th Naveah Wild - Equine Management

4th Hannah Sprock - Physical Science

4th Jadyn Tidyman - Veterinary Sciences

5th Tobin Rust - Accounting

5th Jadyn Tidyman - Agronomy and Range Management

5th (tie) Bryson Bickel - Business Communications and Vocabulary

5th (tie) Jaelyn Brown - Business Communications and Vocabulary

5th Matthew Sorenson - Earth Science

5th Jack O'Brien - Environmental Science

5th Tanner Bauer - Trigonometry

Friday, October 4, 2024

Parent Video on Senior Seminar

Parents here is a 15-minute run down of what seniors are working on in Senior Seminar and things to be aware of!  

We have our Apply to College event tomorrow and are super excited to host 8 college representatives as well as the National Guard parents if you want to slip into the auditorium to watch you are more than welcome!  I have also attached the senior seminar Google folder which includes our scholarship folders for your access (you must click to request access) along with a lot of other goodies.  Let me know if you have any questions I'm here to help! 


Things you might find fun in the folder:

College Applications with Links and Free Codes (if they have any I know of)

College Essay Guides and Values Worksheets:

Finding the right college fit spreadsheet:

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Apply To College Day - Oct 4th

to College Day is October 4th!  ALL seniors will take attendance first block then head to the auditorium.  Juniors are invited as well as any class teacher would like to bring to the auditorium. 

7:55 a.m. - attendance in first block Mrs.Berry will dismiss at 8 a.m. from loud speaker
8:05 - In auditorium Mrs. Watson Introduction 
8:10 - UNL
8:20 - UNK
8:30 - WNCC
8:40 - Doane University
8:50 - Wayne State College
Breakfast Break
9:15 - Chadron State College
9:25 - Western Dakota Tech
9:35 -National Guard
9:45 -  College Representatives Assist Students with personal questions and help students apply to colleges on Chromebooks 

10:20 - Students Return to block three - on time.

Monday, September 16, 2024

P/T Conferences and Financial Aid Presentation - Sept. 19th

Chadron High School Counseling Office will host its annual College Financial Aid Presentation and Fall Meeting on Thursday, September 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences.  This meeting will include information regarding Financial aid, the college application process, scholarship hunting, and the FAFSA.  Chadron High School will be partnering with Andrew Hunzeker from EducationQuest to provide parents with the most up-to-date information regarding the college process.  

Senior students who attend an EducationQuest Financial Aid Program (FAP) will be eligible to register for a $500 scholarship.  EducationQuest will randomly select six student winners on or around December 1, 2024.
To be eligible, a student must:
  • be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • be a junior or senior attending a Nebraska high school
  • attend an EducationQuest Financial Aid Program before December 1, 2024 (parents/guardians may attend on their student’s behalf)
  • complete an online scholarship entry form (details provided at the FAP)
EducationQuest will deposit the $500 scholarships into the winners’ NEST 529 College Savings Plan account. Winners who do not have an account will need to set one up.

Andrew will also be BACK to set up one-on-one FAFSA appointments with any 12th-grade parent interested when the FAFSA opens up in December - more information to come on these appointments.

We look forward to talking to both students and parents on Thursday night during parent-teacher conferences! 

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

Thursday, September 5, 2024

CHS Homecoming Changes

Homecoming has some changes this year: 

Homecoming is right around the corner September 9-13. Here's what the CHS Student Council has planned:

Dress up days 
Monday-                  USA
Tuesday-                 Anything but a backpack
Wednesday-            Dress to Impress
Thursday-                Twin
Friday-                     Spirit day

The CHS Student Council will have prizes for the best dressed each day. Daily group photos will be posted each day as well.

Homecoming Week Activities

Monday-               6:30pm  Coronation in the gym with the burning of the C to follow. 
                             (This is a change this year, we are hoping it will allow the royalty some new opportunities.)

Tuesday-              6:00pm The crowned king will announce the starting volleyball lineup for the Cardinals
                              The football jersey auction will follow the volleyball game

Friday-                 12:45 Pep rally at the football field
                             7:00 pm The crowned queen will bring out the kickoff ball at the football game vs Mitchell
                             Half time- royalty and attendants will be announced as usual. 
                             9:00-12:00 Homecoming dance - Theme: Friday the Thirteenth.  $6 per person or $10 per couple. 

Happy Homecoming week! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Soph Parent Permission - Career Cabs @ Alliance

On September 18th our sophomore class will have the opportunity to participate in Western Nebraska Career Cabs.  This is a full-day event in which we will travel by bus to Alliance, Nebraska to participate in job and career exploration. This exploration includes employer tours and programming by UNL Extension office, Nebraska Department of Labor, and Intern Nebraska.  The bus will leave from Chadron High School around 7:45 a.m. and return around 4:15 p.m.   If you would like your student to attend please fill out the digital permission slip below.

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

Jr&Sr Parent Permission Form for CSC College Fair

Parent/Guardian of CHS Junior/Senior,

Every year, thousands of Nebraska juniors, seniors, and their parents attend college to find colleges, technical schools, or careers that meet their needs after high school. 

Our local college fair will be hosted by EducationQuest - an amazing nonprofit college access organization - at Chadron State College on Tuesday, September 10th from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m

CHS would like to partner with this event and allow any junior or senior to leave campus who is interested in attending.  Please sign the parent permission if your student is allowed to participate in this event.  

We will dismiss students at 9 a.m. and it is their responsibility to walk to the ballroom at Chadron State Campus and attend the fair for the amount of time that is deemed appropriate by the student and parent.  Parking is not free at CSC and we do NOT suggest students drive to this event. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the fair with their students. Students will be required to return to their regular second-block class no later than 10:15 a.m. on this day.

To give your student permission to attend this college fair please fill out the digital permission slip below and attendance will be excused for this time. Mrs. Watson and Mr. Nobiling will be at the college fair to assist students.

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

CHS Picture Day - September 11th


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Social/Emotional Screener - Info and Opt Out Form

 Dear Parents/Guardians:

Chadron High School is participating once again in overall wellness for students.  The BIMAS-2 (Behavioral Intervention Monitoring Assessment System) universal screening tool is a brief social/emotional survey and each screener takes less than five minutes to complete.  

This universal screener is free and the results are confidential.  The screener will be administered in conjunction with our physical health screeners (starting September 25th) to help support students. Students in grades 9-12 will complete the self-report survey on the same day we conduct physical health screenings.

Universal screening continues to be commonplace today in our pre-K-12 schools. In education, we screen all students for academics, hearing, vision, and physical well-being. Mental wellness is just as vital to student success as these other factors.  Chadron Public Schools are committed to working with you to ensure your student’s academic success and well-being both inside and outside the classroom.

If you would prefer that your child NOT participate in the BIMAS-2 please complete the digital form below  It must be submitted by Thursday, September 12th.

If you have any questions please contact your child’s building principal or school counselor.

Digital OPT OUT Form:

I request that my child OPT-OUT and NOT participate in the universal screening using BiMAS.  If you have multiple students in high school please fill out multiple Opt Out Forms for each student.

If you’d like a hard copy of this OPT out form we have them available at the high school office for students or parents to pick up.   


What is a Behavioral Universal Screener? 

It is a tool used to help identify students who are at risk of future academic, behavioral, or emotional difficulties. Just like some students benefit from additional academic support and interventions, we know some students would benefit from additional support to strengthen their behavioral, social, and emotional skills. 

What is the universal screener being used?

The screener being used is the Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System, or BIMAS-2™. It assesses behavior concerns and social-emotional wellness. It is not a diagnostic tool. It asks students who are ages 12 to 18, to self-report their behaviors and emotions over the most recent 7 days. 

How will the tool be administered?

Students will complete a one-page questionnaire that takes approximately five minutes to complete during a portion of the student health screener.

Why do Chadron Public Schools use the BIMAS-2™ screener?

This screener can help us identify students who are at risk of academic, behavioral, or emotional difficulties and provide additional support to strengthen these skills. The tool also allows us to monitor and track students’ behavioral health over time, looking for any changes that could be a concern.

The data generated will also help us determine district and school-wide programs, interventions, and training needs for staff and can analyze and evaluate which school initiatives are effective and identify opportunities for improvement.

What type of questions are on the screener?

The following are examples of questions included on the screener:

  • During the past week, I shared my thoughts with others.

  • During the past week, I had trouble paying attention.

  • During the past week, I followed directions.

  • During the past week, I was sad or withdrawn.

For each question, the student will answer “never,” “rarely,” “sometimes,” “often,” or “very often.”
You can access a copy of the Standard Form online.

Can this screener be used to diagnose mental health or other psychological disorders? 

No. This is a behavioral screener, NOT a diagnostic tool. If you are concerned about your child’s mental health, contact your pediatrician or your school’s Counseling Office for a list of local therapists, agencies and other resources to support your child.

Guide To Senior Year - Video

 Class of 2025 Parents!  

Can you believe you already have a senior?!  I adore the class of 2025 and want you to know I will have their back every step of the way this year.  As a class sponsor with Mrs. Berry and a Senior Seminar leader, I made a video to give you the nitty gritty on what to expect your senior year.  I will give this presentation in Senior Seminar this Friday with all seniors in Government and English classes with a twist toward students. Please take the time to watch this video so you know how Chadron HS will partner with your family this school year and what services my office can help provide. If you make it through the video there is an incentive of a Class of 2025 REMIND link to sign up for if you'd like text messages for deadline reminders for all things seniors:  Caps/gown ordering, scholarships, baby pictures, etc. 

Happy Viewing :)

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Contact Chadron City Transit for School Rides!

 For any families interested in student rides to school, please contact 
Chadron Public Transportation to schedule rides.

Chadron Public Transportation 432-0520.
$1 each way or a Yellow Pass of 22 rides for $20.
See the attached flyer for more information.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Homework Help Fridays - Mandatory for Students with a Failing Grade


*New this school year!*

Homework Help - Early Out Fridays

Any student failing a class is required to attend Homework Help which will be held every Friday from 1:35 - 2:15 unless there is an extending school activity or immediate dismissal.  


To provide extra academic support for students to successfully attain high school credits for transcript completion.


Parents - All parents have the opportunity to view grades via the Infinite Campus Portal to check whether individual grades are failing or not. 

Students - All students have the opportunity to view grades via the Infinite Campus Portal to check whether individual grades are failing or not. Student’s failing a class are required to report to the library by 1:35p on Fridays.

Teachers - Are provided a confidential list each Monday of all students failing a class.  Teachers will assist in notifying each student during class of a failing grade and the requirement to attend Homework Help on Friday if the grade is still failing on Friday morning. A second confidential list of failing students will be provided to staff on Friday morning. If the teacher is present and available during Homework Help, they are expected to provide academic support for students. The teachers will provide a signed and dated note to the students who they’ve agreed to host for Homework Help.

Paraprofessionals - Will coordinate whether students spend Homework Help in the library or with a teacher.  Will be available to assist students with academic support during Homework Help time in the library.

Administration - Failing lists will be provided to staff on Mondays and Fridays. Students who miss a required Homework Help will be expected to serve a detention after school the following week.


All students failing a class will attend Homework Help either with the teacher of the class they are failing or in the library where paraprofessionals will be available for homework assistance.  


Students eligible and involved in a school activity during Homework Help will be excused from attending .  Any student who misses a required Homework Help will serve an equal time during detention after school during the following week.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chadron Students Complete Microsoft Certifications

Congratulations to Aksel Lans for earning a MOS Associate Certificate by passing the

certification tests for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Congratulations to Charlotte Fisher for earning MOS Certifications by passing the certification

tests for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Senior Class Graduation Themes

 Class of 2024

Graduation Date: May 11, 2024

10:00 am

Chadron High School Gymnasium

Class Colors: Black, Red & Silver

Class Flower: Peppermint Carnation

Class Song: "Good Old Days" by Macklemore

Class Motto: "What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Year-End Events Schedule

Upcoming Year-End Events:

Sunday, May 5 - Baccalaureate @ 6:30pm in Auditorium
Monday, May 6 - Honor's Night @ 6:30pm in Auditorium
Tuesday, May 7 - HS Sports Physicals @ 7:00am in HS Locker Rooms
Tuesday, May 7 - Band Concert @ 7:00pm in Auditorium
Wednesday, May 8 - 2:30pm Dismissal for Senior Checkout
Saturday, May 11 - Graduation @ 10:00am in HS Gym

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

CHS Juniors Rock the ACT!

Another example of Chadron High students doing Chadron High things! 

After two weeks of successes at state CTE conferences (FBLA, FCCLA, FFA), scores from the junior's state ACT tests have come in.  Unofficial results show that this year's junior class has scored the highest averages for CHS since the first year of the state ACT tests in 2017!   Specific averages in English and Math were individually the highest our students have ever scored on state testing.

First, a congratulations to our junior class and to all the many teachers and staff that align and support academic success at Chadron High School!  Second, a thank you to our parents and families for your trusting and supporting partnership!

Unofficially, Chadron's 2024 composite average is 21.0.  As a comparison, last year the state average was 19.2.   These are the scores for all juniors who are required to take the ACT as part of the Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS).

Monday, April 15, 2024

FBLA Qualifies Two for Nationals!

The Chadron High Future Business Leaders of America attended the annual State Leadership Conference in Kearney, NE on April 11-13. To start the conference, students were motivated as they listened to the keynote speaker, John Beede and attended a variety of workshops. But most importantly, Chadron students competed amongst all class levels in many different business competitions. This conference was attended by over 2,000 students and advisors this year. Although Chadron FBLA traveled only 13 members to the state competition this year, they brought home several honors. 

Award Winners:

JT Obando - 2nd Place out of 67 (National Qualifier), UX Design

Aiden Vinton - 4th Place out of 246 (National Qualifier), Advertising

JT Obando, Billy Hy, Creighton Ryan - 7th out of 61, Sports Entertainment Management

Bennett Fisher - 10th out of 247, Job Interview

Demaris Kelso - Honorable Mention Top 4%, Job Interview

Jaelyn Brown - Honorable Mention Top 4%, Organizational Leadership

Jaedyn Peterson - 6th Place, Management Information Systems

Thomas Smith - Honorable Mention Top 4%, Business Calculations

Creighton Ryan - 8th Place, Computer Applications

Jayden Tidyman - Honorable Mention Top 4%, Public Speaking

Alivia Long - Who's Who in Nebraska FBLA

Chadron Chapter - Sweepstakes Award

All-State Quality Member: Alivia Long, Demaris Kelso, Talon Jelinek, Jaedyn Peterson, Tobin Rust, Creighton Ryan, Thomas Smith

Front Row: Jaelyn Brown, Demaris Kelso, Alivia Long, Jayden Tidyman
Back Row: Billy Hy, Talon Jelinek, Thomas Smith, Aiden Vinton, JT Obando, Tobin Rust, Jaedyn Peterson, Creighton Ryan, Bennett Fisher

Friday, April 12, 2024

Morgan Repeats as State FCCLA Champion!

Chadron FCCLA had a great State Leadership Conference with all 4 students competing and qualifying for nationals! The results are as follows:

Morgan Schommer - 1st Place - State Champion! - Fashion Design - Level 3 (Morgan was last year's state champion in this event also)

Kenzie Pourier and Kaylee Sprock - 2nd Place - State Runner-Up - Chapter Service Project - Portfolio - Level 3

Chelsea Stephens - 2nd Place - State Runner-Up - Sustainability Project - Level 2

Jadyn, Emilynn, Morgan, Kaylee, Chelsea, Kenzie

Morgan Schommer, State Champion

Kaylee Sprock & Kenzie Pourier, State Runner-Up

Chelsea Stephens, State Runner-Up

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

FFA Team Wins State Contest!

27 members competed last week in Lincoln in 14 different contests with over 7,500 attending. 

STATE CHAMPIONS! Agribusiness Management Team competed against 96 other teams. Gabe Tidyman 2nd, Jace Lien 7th, Bryson Bickel & Jadyn Tidyman tied for 17th out of 377 students.

State Runner-Up! Ag Mechanics Team competed against 58 other teams. Cody Kahl 3rd, Conner Diers 21st out of 232 students. Other team members include Jack Price and Matt Lien.

Top Individual Results: 3rd Gabe Tidyman - TIG Welding,  6th: Jack O’Brien - Environmental & Natural Resources, 7th Jace Lien - Biotechnology

State Champs! - J Tidyman, B Bickel, J Lien, G Tidyman
State Champion Agribusiness Management Team!

State Runner Up Ag Mechanics Team