Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Head over heels...heels over head over science? Easter in September?? Here comes “Physical Science Cottontail hopping down the practice field….”

After watching the videos, you may wonder what is going on at 10th & Cedar in Chadron. 

The physical science class is working on a “speed unit”.  They are learning how to calculate speed.  The videos show the activities that they had to complete to calculate their speeds at different types of movement.

Students had to complete the following activities:
1.  Hopping over a 5 meter and 10 meter distance.
2.  Walking over a 5 meter and 10 meter distance.
3.  Speed walking over a 5 meter and 10 meter distance.
4.  Walking backward over a 5 meter and 10 meter distance.

Students timed each other as they completed these activities and then calculated their speeds for each of the four above.

If you have a student in physical science, ask them how to calculate speed.