(Submitted by CHS FFA Reporter Billy Tidyman)
The Chadron FFA Chapter was represented well on Wednesday, November 15, at CSC where members competed in different speaking events. A big congratulations goes to our three state qualifiers: Hunter Hawk, who was district champion in Senior Public Speaking, Jake Lemmon, who was district champion in Employment Skills, and Renee Redfern, who placed second in Cooperative Speaking.
The team of Dadrianna Serres, Pamela Fisher, Garrett Glines, and Billy Tidyman was just short of qualifying for state, placing fourth in Ag Demonstration. In the Creed Speaking contest, in which first-year members recite the FFA Creed and answer questions, Emma Cogdill received a purple ribbon and Teagan Tidyman received a blue ribbon. Lance Cattin stepped up and competed in Extemporaneous Speaking, receiving a white ribbon. The Chadron FFA Chapter is off to a great start and we are looking forward to having many more members qualify for state.
(L-R, Pamela Fisher, Renee Redfern, Dadi Serres, Teagan Tidyman, Emma Cogdill, back-Jake Lemmon, Garrett Glines, Lance Cattin, Hunter Hawk, Billy Tidyman)
District Champions Jake Lemmon- Employment Skills & Hunter Hawk-Senior Public Speaking
2nd place Cooperative Renee Redfern Creed Speaking Emma Cogdill & Teagan Tidyman
Dadi Serres, Garrett Glines, Billy Tidyman