Friday, January 12, 2018

Several FFA Teams Qualify for State at WNCC Contest

Livestock Management Team
On Wednesday, January 10th, the Chadron FFA Chapter traveled to the Western Nebraska Community College campus in Scottsbluff to compete in various contests. Contests in which students competed in were Livestock Management, Floriculture, Welding, and Ag Sales. The Livestock Management team consisted of Cody Madsen, Hunter Hawk, Katie Lewin, Mackenzie Scoggan, and Clark Riesen. The team placed second in equine, beef, sheep, and the written test, and placed first in poultry and took the title of district champions, which means they will compete again at the state convention in April. This is the fourth year in a row Chadron FFA has been District Livestock Evaluation Champions!

The Welding team which included Joe Matt, Michael Collins (both receiving red ribbons), and Dan Dunbar (receiving a blue ribbon), placed fourth overall and will also be competing at the state level.
Welding Team

In Floriculture, Hailey Watson, Rachel Sauser-Smith (both receiving red ribbons), Cloey Murdoch, MiaKayla Koerber, Shannon O’Rourke, and Wayne Scherbarth (all receiving white ribbons) competed and placed fourth overall, also qualifying for state.
Floriculture Team

Ag Sales, consisting of Pamela Fisher, Dadrianna Serres, Taya Leija, and Billy Tidyman (receiving a white ribbon), had to put their skills as salesmen to use as they attempted selling cover crops to judges.

Ag Sales Team

To date, the Chadron FFA Chapter has qualified 16 people in six different competitions for state this April. Until then, the chapter will be studying for the next set of competitions to take place in Gordon next month and working hard to qualify more FFA members for the state convention.

Respectfully submitted by
William Tidyman

Chadron FFA Reporter