Lock down drills are designed to prepare staff and students for an intruder or a hostage situation. During a lock down, staff secure students in safe rooms locked with lights out. Our local law enforcement agencies walked our halls and check doors to provide us with valuable feedback for improvements to our procedures and policies. That feedback will be shared with our staff and students next week as we continue to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff. The other district principals also attended our drill to receive feedback for their buildings.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Lock-Down Drill 10/26
Lock down drills are designed to prepare staff and students for an intruder or a hostage situation. During a lock down, staff secure students in safe rooms locked with lights out. Our local law enforcement agencies walked our halls and check doors to provide us with valuable feedback for improvements to our procedures and policies. That feedback will be shared with our staff and students next week as we continue to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff. The other district principals also attended our drill to receive feedback for their buildings.