Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Anatomy and Physiology Class Visits Veterinary Clinic

(Submitted by CHS Junior, Miles Chasek)

The CHS Anatomy and Physiology Class field trip to Panhandle Veterinary Clinic was, in all respects, a truly rewarding experience. In our tour of the clinic, we gained insight on the medical field lying outside of the human realm. We learned the circuitous route to veterinary practice, the ins and outs of a veterinary career, and the surprising amount of work that goes into caring for our beloved animal brethren.
Nearly every inch of the establishment was covered during the tour. The small animal department was the first partition to be examined. There, students inspected the small animal examining, operating, and boarding facilities. Students then toured the large animal facility and its corresponding laboratory. DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) John E Gamby was busy performing sperm analyses on cattle during the tour, but he still shared his time for a brief Q&A session and even prepared a microscope slide of cattle sperm for students to view. The tour ended with an excursion to the clinic’s neighboring supply shop--which carried a number of select pet foods and specialty items.
While we have spent the past semester covering only human anatomy and physiology, this field trip was still applicable to our curriculum. Anatomy and physiology forms the foundation of medical studies--which covers a much broader population than humans alone. Veterinarians are needed to service the world’s vast wealth of domesticated animals--from Felix to Fido, and even the newborn foal.