After surveying the girls in CHS, the majority favored eliminating a cheerleading squad and focussing on a dance team. This change will take place beginning next school year
The dance team will not only implement new rules and policies of participation, they will also introduce the new co-sponsors: Mrs. Jill Paopao and Mrs. Tricia Berry.
Rehearsals for auditions will be Monday and Tuesday (May 13 & 14) from 3:45 to 5:00 in the high school gym. The official try-out auditions will be held May 16th at 4:30.
Rehearsals will consist of learning a two-minute dance. Try-outs will be open to grades 8-11. Twelve girls will be selected with two alternates. The dance team will dance at home games next year. They will also be involved with many fundraising activities to offset purchases of uniforms and state travel expenses.