Friday, October 4, 2024

Parent Video on Senior Seminar

Parents here is a 15-minute run down of what seniors are working on in Senior Seminar and things to be aware of!  

We have our Apply to College event tomorrow and are super excited to host 8 college representatives as well as the National Guard parents if you want to slip into the auditorium to watch you are more than welcome!  I have also attached the senior seminar Google folder which includes our scholarship folders for your access (you must click to request access) along with a lot of other goodies.  Let me know if you have any questions I'm here to help! 


Things you might find fun in the folder:

College Applications with Links and Free Codes (if they have any I know of)

College Essay Guides and Values Worksheets:

Finding the right college fit spreadsheet:

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Apply To College Day - Oct 4th

to College Day is October 4th!  ALL seniors will take attendance first block then head to the auditorium.  Juniors are invited as well as any class teacher would like to bring to the auditorium. 

7:55 a.m. - attendance in first block Mrs.Berry will dismiss at 8 a.m. from loud speaker
8:05 - In auditorium Mrs. Watson Introduction 
8:10 - UNL
8:20 - UNK
8:30 - WNCC
8:40 - Doane University
8:50 - Wayne State College
Breakfast Break
9:15 - Chadron State College
9:25 - Western Dakota Tech
9:35 -National Guard
9:45 -  College Representatives Assist Students with personal questions and help students apply to colleges on Chromebooks 

10:20 - Students Return to block three - on time.

Monday, September 16, 2024

P/T Conferences and Financial Aid Presentation - Sept. 19th

Chadron High School Counseling Office will host its annual College Financial Aid Presentation and Fall Meeting on Thursday, September 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences.  This meeting will include information regarding Financial aid, the college application process, scholarship hunting, and the FAFSA.  Chadron High School will be partnering with Andrew Hunzeker from EducationQuest to provide parents with the most up-to-date information regarding the college process.  

Senior students who attend an EducationQuest Financial Aid Program (FAP) will be eligible to register for a $500 scholarship.  EducationQuest will randomly select six student winners on or around December 1, 2024.
To be eligible, a student must:
  • be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • be a junior or senior attending a Nebraska high school
  • attend an EducationQuest Financial Aid Program before December 1, 2024 (parents/guardians may attend on their student’s behalf)
  • complete an online scholarship entry form (details provided at the FAP)
EducationQuest will deposit the $500 scholarships into the winners’ NEST 529 College Savings Plan account. Winners who do not have an account will need to set one up.

Andrew will also be BACK to set up one-on-one FAFSA appointments with any 12th-grade parent interested when the FAFSA opens up in December - more information to come on these appointments.

We look forward to talking to both students and parents on Thursday night during parent-teacher conferences! 

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

Thursday, September 5, 2024

CHS Homecoming Changes

Homecoming has some changes this year: 

Homecoming is right around the corner September 9-13. Here's what the CHS Student Council has planned:

Dress up days 
Monday-                  USA
Tuesday-                 Anything but a backpack
Wednesday-            Dress to Impress
Thursday-                Twin
Friday-                     Spirit day

The CHS Student Council will have prizes for the best dressed each day. Daily group photos will be posted each day as well.

Homecoming Week Activities

Monday-               6:30pm  Coronation in the gym with the burning of the C to follow. 
                             (This is a change this year, we are hoping it will allow the royalty some new opportunities.)

Tuesday-              6:00pm The crowned king will announce the starting volleyball lineup for the Cardinals
                              The football jersey auction will follow the volleyball game

Friday-                 12:45 Pep rally at the football field
                             7:00 pm The crowned queen will bring out the kickoff ball at the football game vs Mitchell
                             Half time- royalty and attendants will be announced as usual. 
                             9:00-12:00 Homecoming dance - Theme: Friday the Thirteenth.  $6 per person or $10 per couple. 

Happy Homecoming week! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Soph Parent Permission - Career Cabs @ Alliance

On September 18th our sophomore class will have the opportunity to participate in Western Nebraska Career Cabs.  This is a full-day event in which we will travel by bus to Alliance, Nebraska to participate in job and career exploration. This exploration includes employer tours and programming by UNL Extension office, Nebraska Department of Labor, and Intern Nebraska.  The bus will leave from Chadron High School around 7:45 a.m. and return around 4:15 p.m.   If you would like your student to attend please fill out the digital permission slip below.

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725

Jr&Sr Parent Permission Form for CSC College Fair

Parent/Guardian of CHS Junior/Senior,

Every year, thousands of Nebraska juniors, seniors, and their parents attend college to find colleges, technical schools, or careers that meet their needs after high school. 

Our local college fair will be hosted by EducationQuest - an amazing nonprofit college access organization - at Chadron State College on Tuesday, September 10th from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m

CHS would like to partner with this event and allow any junior or senior to leave campus who is interested in attending.  Please sign the parent permission if your student is allowed to participate in this event.  

We will dismiss students at 9 a.m. and it is their responsibility to walk to the ballroom at Chadron State Campus and attend the fair for the amount of time that is deemed appropriate by the student and parent.  Parking is not free at CSC and we do NOT suggest students drive to this event. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the fair with their students. Students will be required to return to their regular second-block class no later than 10:15 a.m. on this day.

To give your student permission to attend this college fair please fill out the digital permission slip below and attendance will be excused for this time. Mrs. Watson and Mr. Nobiling will be at the college fair to assist students.

Loni Watson
9-12 School Counselor
Chadron High School
(308) 432-0725