Thursday, March 22, 2012

Guest Speakers From Africa Visit CHS

     Four Job Corp students from Africa came to share their culture with our World Geography and World History students.
-----Ahmed iLm came to the United States from Somalia because of a civil war and fights over oil in his homeland.  He came without his family and explained how difficult his journey was, especially not being able to speak English.
-----Grace Lkiti traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska from the Congo and Gabon.  He described trying to go to school while working full time and trying to learn English.
------Ramla Bakari arrived one year ago from Kenya.  She wears a scarf to cover her head rather than a burka, which is more traditional in her Muslim religion.
------Nyakhor Dolavol has been in the United States since she was five years old.  She also left her country because of civil war.  Her family is glad that Sudan has been divided into two separate countries.
     All spoke of experiences in refugee camps and each missed elderly relatives they had left behind in their homeland.  They were all grateful to the United States for giving them so many opportunities, but they do miss Africa.
     Mr. Brian Kizer made the arrangements with Don Richards to bring the Job Corp students into town and help them with their presentations.  Ms. Nancy Swiftbird helped the students prepare their power points.