Monday, March 26, 2012

(Updated) No School Tues (March 27th) Due to Wind Damage

No school for high school students March 27th!

Due to a strong gust of wind Monday evening at approximately 5:45pm, major damage was sustained to the high school gymnasium roof. Sections of the roof are completely missing, witnessed blowing as far as Cedar Street.

Roofing contractors will arrive at 7:00am Tuesday morning to assess the damage and safety of the structure. Students and staff at the high school will not have school to give time for a proper evaluation. Loose pieces of roofing are observed hanging over the edges of the gym, causing hazards around the exterior of the school.

All K-12 students are already dismissed from school on Wednesday, March 28th for a district-wide inservice for staff.

(Updated) After the Tuesday morning inspection, it appears that the damage was limited to the roof of the gymnasium. Our current plans are to lock off all entrances to the gym, we'll still have access to the rest of the building, including locker rooms. At this time, the gym will be closed indefinitely to allow for immediate work for contractors.

Inspection shows that at least half of the gym roof separated from existing structures, causing part of the roof to tear apart scattering debris across the roof and nearby grounds.