Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference (SLC) is a great
opportunity for high school students to participate in a competitive events program among some
of the best students in the state. SLC also includes state officer elections and a series of
informative leadership workshops for FBLA students and advisers. Due to Covid 19, the State
Leadership Conference was cancelled but several events had already been submitted for
judging. Those events were judged and awards were given through a YouTube presentation
on April 23, 2020. Six members will continue on to the next level of nationals competition to
be held virtually throughout the month of June. The following are the results of this year's
opportunity for high school students to participate in a competitive events program among some
of the best students in the state. SLC also includes state officer elections and a series of
informative leadership workshops for FBLA students and advisers. Due to Covid 19, the State
Leadership Conference was cancelled but several events had already been submitted for
judging. Those events were judged and awards were given through a YouTube presentation
on April 23, 2020. Six members will continue on to the next level of nationals competition to
be held virtually throughout the month of June. The following are the results of this year's
Award Winners