Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Grades Will Look Different - No 4th Quarter Grade Will Be Posted

I want to remind parents and students that grades will look very different for this semester. Transcripts and report cards will not show a 4th quarter letter grade.  However, full credit for the fourth quarter will be awarded based on successful completion of assignments during remote learning.

The third quarter grades were completed, so we have those posted and they will be used for calculations for GPA for the semester.  No student's semester GPA will be lowered from what was posted at the end of the third quarter. 

Again, there will be no grade (Letter grade or percentage) posted for the fourth quarter. Assignments were checked for mastery, but not calculated as an assessment. In fact, every fourth quarter assignment was worth one point and students either completed the assignment with mastery to be awarded the one point, or did not complete and show a zero for the assignment.  Therefore, the fourth quarter percentage shown on the Campus Portal is a progress report of what percent of the assignments are completed ...but not an assessed grade and will not be averaged with the third quarter.

Completion of assignments will determine whether the student gets credit for the fourth quarter.  The teacher will then evaluate whether the semester letter grade remains the same as the 3rd quarter, or whether successful/exceptional completion was worth raising the letter grade for the semester report.

I realize this is different and might need further clarification. I'll share some examples but don't hesitate to call the high school office to ask about your student's grade reports.
~Mr. Mack

Student A: 3rd Qtr = B, 4th Qtr = completion ... Full semester credit will be awarded with a 'B'.  The teacher will determine whether a 'bump' is awarded to an 'A' for the semester transcript.

Student B: 3rd Qtr = F, 4th Qtr = completion ...Full semester credit will be awarded and bumped up to a 'D'.  This is a huge advantage for successfully completing during these unusual circumstances.

Student C: 3rd Qtr = C, 4th Qtr = no completion ...Only half credit awarded with a 'C'. This student may have to reschedule the class to attain the other half credit for a graduation required class.